Friday, June 7, 2013

One Month In

I know it has been too long since I posted here, sorry about that, it has been busy! I know that is something people say all the time, but in this case it is true. Here is what is new: I have been watching a little girl, S, from 7:30am-6pm Monday to Friday. S is 11 months old, and keeps me on my toes! She is beautiful, and sweet, but she is 11 months old.....need I say more??!! L is amazing with her when she is home which is really nice to see. The dog is jealous, but L is not. We have been going for walks, playing at the park, swimming, along with running errands (which take much much longer than usual!) Besides that I have painted the inside of the camper trailer (pics to follow soon), planted all of our flowers and vegetable garden, kept up with the yard work and house work, cooked every meal at home, helped a friend pack for a big renovation, shopped with a pregnant friend for the right stroller (and used S as the test pilot!!), cleaned out my closet, sorted through cupboards and closets to prepare for a yard sale happening Canada Day Weekend, been interviewed by another parent about childcare, taken L to doctors for what turned out to be a bladder infection (first meds we have needed in years and I have no benefits), finished up a wedding scrapbook that I was making for my cousin, and the list goes on! I am one month in now and I am really enjoying being home. I love having time to spend with L in the morning before school, not being rushed or missing her all together. I love being able to stay organized at home and keeping on top of routine tasks. I am really enjoying cooking everyday (well some days I don't really want too!), and I love that I am really starting to feel connected to my community. It is amazing how disconnected you are when you don't work in the town you live in. Other news, the hubs B has gotten a job offer, and we are so excited to see what this means for our family. The money isn't as good as what he makes now, but the other perks make up for it. Stay tuned for how that all unfolds! I am heading to bed, L has my alarm set for 7:30am so we can get to the garage sales in the morning before all the good stuff is gone! G'nite!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My First Week

Alot has happened in this first week off, I got some organizing done, laundry caught up, the house cleaned top to bottom, gone to medical appointments, attended a school play, cut the lawn, went to garage sales, took L to see her friend perform in a play at the theatre, went to a birthday party, then out with some girls from work, picked up our new camper, prepped it for paint, and celebrated Mothers Day!! I would say I am off to a productive start! I also met with a family that wants me to babysit their 11mos old daughter for the next 4 months! That starts tomorrow, so more busy days to come! Happy Mothers Day!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day One A Success!

Alright, so today was the first official day of my time at home, and it was great! I wrote out a to-do list (which is something I do......all the time) and I did everything I set out to do, and a little bit more. I ate all meals at home (kind of a big deal for me), I walked, not drove, to drop L off at school and pick her up, I drank more water today than diet coke (also a big deal), on top of cleaning up the house, doing laundry, making dinner, grocery shopping, and taking care of L's friend T after school. I feel energized and excited for what is to come. I have ended the day with a half hour in the hot tub and painted toe doesn't get better than that. Life is good :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Off to a Good Start

Okay, so I got through my last day of work.....not particularly easy, but very nice. So many people with so many nice things to say. It isn't too often in my line of work that you get lots of appreciation, so it feels a bit uncomfortable....note to on accepting praise. Anyways, it is done and I have art projects, kind notes, two enormous cards, and a piece of delicious cake to show for it! My family took me out for dinner, with my brother in law and his girlfriend which was really nice, then gave me a fruit infusion water bottle, a lawn ornament and a package of seeds to celebrate my last day of work. Not to mention, husband was the winner of the early bird draw connected to a charity walk we are doing at the end of the month! He won a huge pamper package consisting of yoga, massage therapy, and meditation......well, guess who is cashing that one in? I am one lucky duck!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Count Down Is On!

Okay, so here is the (coles notes) story.....I am a crafter, a gardener, a night owl, a camper, a home renovator, a feminist, an advocate, a wife, a mother, and now a blogger. I work for an amazing women's organization and I love my job. I have decided to leave that job for 6 months to put all of my energy into my family and into me. I have so much to be grateful for, and this little adventure is on the list. My fearless leader M suggested I start a blog, and I think it is a great idea (who am I after all to question my fearless leader). In the next 6 months I am going to spend quality time with my daughter and husband, as well as often neglected friends and family. I am going to spend a great deal of time focused on my health. I plan on finding new and exciting ways to feed my family, I want to organize every little part of my life. That doesn't seem unrealistic does it? Six months is definitely enough time to settle into new, wonderful, healthy, filling my heart to overflowing kinda habits....right? The count down is definitely 18hrs 12mins I will leave my office for the last time as "right now" me, to return "even better" me (fingers crossed)